To Grow is to Grieve

If you are growing and wanting to move towards a life that is for you, then you will have to exit the rooms where there is a ceiling that keeps you from growing.

In theory, this sounds quite logical and normal. In the same manner that we repot plants, we must place them in a better space if we want them to grow larger and they have outgrown their small pot. We place them lovingly into a new larger pot. But even this action is one we must do carefully and the act itself is one that causes much distress to the plant and it’s always advisable to do it in the spring so it can receive the support that it needs to thrive through this difficult transition.

So, what makes us think that we as sentient beings wouldn’t experience this to a much greater degree?

Growing beyond the ceiling is wonderful.. but it comes at a price.

It comes with heavy grief.

It comes with deep awareness and recognition.

It comes with the pain of knowing that some things will have to be completely severed.

It comes with the knowing that how you may have seen things in the past, were not real.

It comes with the pain and sorrow of accepting that.

It comes with the raw accountability that is obtained through such clarity.

It comes with fear.
It comes with loss.
It comes with regret.

There is not a part of us that escapes unscathed from the storm of Grief we must endure at every transition and “re-potting” that we go through in our lives.

So, give yourself the space.

Give yourself the time to grieve these deep revelations you have come upon.

Give yourself grace.. compassion.. kindness.. and love.

Give yourself the quiet.

Give yourself the allowance of tears that will flow an entire river of dreams of the past and dreams that never came to be.

Give yourself honour .. to mourn.

Grieve. Grieve until you can’t anymore.

And then, let it go.

It is only then when we can be ready to step into the new life that awaits us.


Creating Your Own Path is the Hardest Thing You Will Do

Following your own path is certainly not easy. There’s a reason why people sit in the comfort zone for their entire lives.

Following your path includes listening to your inner voice and guidance as a compass and it follows a very different map. The expectations of others do not belong on this map.

Following your path involves a very unique set of trials and tribulations that bring you down to the depths of yourself.. where you will be wildly unprepared to meet what you find there.

This is mostly because our life does not prepare us for how to meet our Self.

Instead, our societal programming prepares you to stay in the comfort zone and become an obedient civil servant.

For those who veer off the well made path and decide to carve out your own path, know that your struggle does not mean failure.

You have to remember that you are doing work that has not been done before.

Creating new paths is hard.

What you are doing is hard.

Alchemy is hard work.

There will be many moments of doubt and uncertainty;

There will be many days of grief and total collapse;

There will be many nights of tears and hopelessness.

But after every moment, after every break down, after every trial and error you encounter along your way, you will find that the spark within you will blaze once again and you will forge through.. and with greater purpose and determination.

So my dear ones, if you are in a place of sorrow right now, rest easy. Spend time to nurture your spirit.

This isn’t a time to move forward.

This is a time to sit in the stillness of your ache and hold it with love, kindness and deep compassion.

You will regenerate and you will once again rise from those ashes.

This is the path of the way showers.

Much love to you,
– Giusi

Atypically Versed: A List of Interesting Truths

I decided to comprise a list of some thoughts I have rattling in my brain that seemed important to me in this instance. I’m writing this as someone who has struggled immensely in a neurotypical world wondering WHY people didn’t think like me or see things the way that I did and constantly being so upset because of this. As a result of this, I felt as if I was constantly trying to make them see my point of view and the logical things that made sense! I felt as if I was trying to make them understand and try to somewhat see even a glimpse into my world. I did all of this while simultaneously masking and trying to fit into their world even thought I HATED it and didn’t understand it, and even though I was using up SO much energy to do so, I still was never able to fit in. 

And with that.. I have finally come to a place of acceptance and surrender. And learning that I don’t need to have people understand me.. at least not the people who are not equipped to understand me and never will. Trying to force myself to speak a language that I don’t speak or want to, whilst others wildly cannot understand mine, is exhausting and living a life like that without even knowing, has lead me to immense burnout that feels like I may never fully recover.. But I’ll still try. 

Part of that recovery is moving away from that stream and finding my own stream, where there will be the people who CAN speak my language, fluently! And I don’t have to teach them! They just do! 🙂

So, in no particular order or relevance, here is my list of what I have found to be true in a Neurotypical world. Biased? Maybe.  Factual? Most probable. Disconcerting?  Absolutely.

  1. People will see what they want to see. Stop trying to convince them.
  2. Many people don’t have the capacity to interpret things with deep empathy and therefore will only be able to view things and comprehend them at a very surface level.
  3. Most people want what they “think” they want based off of societal programming and conditioning but few have the ability to go after what they want which usually entails veering off the path.
  4. Group think and mob mentality is more prevalent when people are very disconnected with their Self. They don’t recognize their truths anymore and accept outside viewpoints in order to fit in because they don’t want to be displaced or be the “outsider”. This is all happening at a very subconscious level and they are unaware of it and only are aware of the discomfort of what being the “outsider” may feel like.   (Jokes on you, I’ve been the outsider my whole life so I don’t give a rat’s ass if people leave me out! I’m a pro! ha HA!)
  5. True connection requires vulnerability and authenticity. It is a completion of a revealed wholeness that unites people together. 
  6. Most people will not heal or become aware in their entire lifetime. And it’s not our job to get them there.
  7. Overreach is so ingrained in our conditioning that people don’t have the capacity to stay in their lanes and they feel like they are the authority on what others can do. It’s illogical and inane. Focusing on our own path and inner world is deeply important but people have been conditioned to keep their attention outward. 
  8. Anger is not negative. Sadness and Grief are NOT low vibrational.  Our dark is not something awful to avoid. These are very intrinsic parts of our Being and we are severely handicapping ourselves by continuously leaving them off the table. Also part of societal conditioning.
  9. Life is more magical and wonderous than you know. Some people will never get to see that in their lifetime.
  10. We cannot continue to go through life shaming ourselves into “better”. Those “better” things we are shaming ourselves into are often bullshit societal norms and conditions that are made-up things anyway. And beginning to come from a place of deep reverence, grace, compassion and unconditional love for yourself is what will truly transform us as a society and as a people. Because it is only in that shift where we will also be able to begin to create change outside of us. As below, so above. 

And I will end this with a new 2024 selfie of me.. just because. Have a most beautiful day. : )

New Year’s Kiss: A Tale of Love, Grief & Acceptance

I want your midnights
But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift

  I was sitting here and trying to understand why I felt such an ache with the quickly approaching new year’s eve and I think it finally dawned on me why it was feeling so heavy on my heart.

My longing for a genuine and authentic connection intensified around this holiday because of my own experience with this in the past. 

I’ve been no contact with my last abusive ex for over 8 years now and I have been fully and completely single since then. It was fine for the first little while. I had to recover and heal from the trauma and c-ptsd. I didn’t want a relationship because I needed to heal the parts of me that kept being drawn to and attracting the same kind of narcissistic people. Since then, I have spent a few lovely new year’s on my own, some of them with good friends and some also with family.. and they have all been more than okay! I have some nice memories from many of those moments. Including going to Nathan Phillip’s Square with my arm in a cast! 

But this year, things are feeling a little different. I turned my life towards a new track and parted ways with some pretty big things in the last couple of years; I am recovering from severe burn out that doesn’t seem to be getting better; And lastly, I am trying to cope with the news of certain things in the best possible way that I can.  I’m in a place where I suddenly feel really alone for the first time ever. 

Cue the arrival of New Year’s Eve – The most “romantical” time of the year where couples meet, kiss, profess their love or all of the above. 

I’ve never been someone who felt “without” when it came to love. I was good at vibing alone.  I’ve always naturally been a bit of a loner and it felt okay that way.  I wasn’t even interested in dating when I was younger and yet seemed to always get snagged by the “bad guy” types. 

Because of this though, my last memories of new year’s with partners have been pretty awful. With my last partner, it felt like things would always end up in fighting and crying at every new year’s. Even my last ex before that, our last new year’s together ended with him yelling at me and becoming violent with me.

New Year’s Eve suddenly feels like this stark reminder of what I never had and what I actually may never have in this lifetime.

I have the tendency to ruminate on things more than I would like, to no fault of my own. My brain works differently from others and I tend to overthink and overanalyze every single detail, and this is usually on autopilot. I don’t know how to operate any other way. It’s something I’m trying to learn or most probably, just accept.  The knowledge that I have now leads me to believe that the likelihood of me finding partnership that is a good fit for me.. is very very slim.. to none. And the ache that I feel in my heart with knowing that I may never experience a healthy and “good” love with another, suddenly feels more present & devastating than ever before.

I’ve been doing a lot of healing work on healing trauma and changing my patterns over the years. It’s been really incredible and so helpful for many things. As a hypnotherapist, I’ve even developed programs to help others to heal those things and change their patterns. However, learning a few months ago about being autistic, feels like all of the plans have been thrown out the window. It doesn’t mean a death sentence to learn such things… But I can’t help but think that in a way, it does. 

Because the reality is this: that it means that I simply cannot “heal away” the patterns that make me who I am .. especially in relation to love and partnership. And the difficulty in finding partnership and connection will always be there for me…  and because of this, it can potentially make it nearly impossible to ever find a suitable partner. 

This is my first New Year’s I will be spending with the awareness of everything that I now know. 

This is my first New Year’s I will be spending alone with the weight of all of that.

And that stark reminder suddenly feels much more deafening than before.

Coming to terms with all of this and grieving the life that I might never have, has weighed tremendously upon on my heart.. in a way that feels like I might not actually ever recover from it.

And maybe that will one day all change. And maybe it won’t.

But for now, in this moment.. I will spend New Year’s on my own, mourning the loss of what was to be of me and holding space for that. 

I don’t think life is about being fair or not fair. I think it just is what it is. And we just get the hand that we were dealt. We can change some of that and shift a lot of our reality. But it doesn’t mean that we forget our pain and grief. I think life is learning how to move along the path whilst learning how to hold our pain and grief in a way that is loving, compassionate and kind. And find the best way to carry on until we no longer can. 

I cannot end this year without saying that I am grateful for so many things because despite all of this, I am still very much grateful for a lot. I feel gratitude for so much, I really do.  I am lucky for a lot of reasons and feel fortunate to have had some of the wonderful experiences and opportunities that I have had. 

However, I will also allow myself to end this year with my heavy heart and try and find a way to carry this part of me, in the most raw, authentic and loving way, into the coming new year.. with the smallest glimmer of hope that maybe I’ll be wrong and maybe, this isn’t it for me. I guess in time we will see.

Happiest New Year’s to everyone. I wish I could end this year with a more positive and hopeful note but instead I’ll say this:  I wish you nothing but the most authentic joy, love and peace in your heart and in your Spirit for the year to come. And even if you are moving onto the next chapter of 2024 with grief, sorrow and pain in your heart, know that there is space for that here for you as well. 

Remember that your pain carries the vibration of some of the most beautiful parts of you and that there is a love that resides inside of grief that rivals no other.

Happy New Year & Much love to you all,
Giuseppina .xoxo.

The Importance of Feeling Our Pain

   This is one of the topics I talk about often on my page because I believe that our current state of “humanity” is compounded by the fact that we are so very deeply disconnected from our Self.

The truth is that our inability to feel our pain and sit with our pain is actually more problematic than we realize.

This is because it directly influences our capacity to love and connect with ourselves and others.

There is a serious disconnect and we can see it in the way that people interact with one another.

The lack of kindness, compassion and empathy.

The complete detachment and apathy.

And we have been very much so, conditioned to be in this state.

This is why, truly and honestly, going within our shadow and allowing ourselves to sit with our pain is how we can create the greatest amount of transformation.

This is how we can transmute pain into love.

This is how we shift.

You cannot have one without the other and it is our capacity to feel our pain that, in turn, gives us the capacity to love.

The depth of your love will be dependent on the depth of the pain you have allowed yourself to feel.

This is the balance.

As above, so below.

As within, so without.

When we heal, we learn how to sit in that discomfort and develop the ability to hold space for that pain. We strengthen that muscle. And in turn, that connects us deeper to our own humanity, which in turn connects us deeper to others.

And this is what we so desperately need more of right now. ❤️🙏🏻✨️

Much love,

The End of My Discomfort

    I never realized that for my whole entire life, I have been responding to people in very accommodating ways and that in all of those ways, I was severely diminishing and muting myself each and every time. I simply was not showing up as me.

I never realized that all this time, with my disposition, I was adhering to the group behaviors in order to be accepted and allowed to participate and not called “weird”.

I never realized that I had subdued myself and shown up differently in order to fit in and be agreeable.

I never realized that I was always putting people’s comfort above my own, every step of the way.

I never realized that I was doing all of these things always! – automatically & subconsciously, ensuring that everyone else was “okay” with a version of me that best suited their own.

➡️ I never realized I was doing any of this.

I never realized just how uncomfortable I have spent the majority of the years of my life as a result of this.

It showed up in other ways though.

In showed up in my anxiety, depression, sleeplessness and other feelings.

It showed up in my stomach aches and digestive issues and hives.

It showed up in my panic attacks and the aches and pains that my body was going through.

It began to show up in my mental health and physical health and my spirit began to be affected greatly by this.

And here I am now.. finally, at 45, learning all of this.

Understanding all of this.

Seeing all of this, for the first time ever and realizing how much of a toll it has taken on me.

I sacrificed my own comfort to be “comfortable” for others.

And it came at far too high of a cost that I am now paying greatly for.

It may be too late to fix some of those things and I certainly cannot change my past.

But I can absolutely change my future.

And I will start that by finally making my own comfort my priority.

I will never again have to mute or change myself to feel like I belong.

I will never again have to box myself to fit in and be accepted.

I know that the people who are meant for me and love me will admire, appreciate and celebrate all of the ways that I am.

I know that I would feel safe to be who I am around the people who see me and care for me.

I know that I will no longer have to feel apprehensive and guarded around my people, no longer feeling the need to constantly explain myself, defend myself or keep quiet to keep the peace.

I know that I can show up as myself and will align only with those who want nothing more than for me to show up as myself.

I know that I can choose to be in spaces where I no longer feel tense and anxious, watching every word I say or every action I do.

I know that it is possible for me to be comfortable.

And I know that I will do everything to ensure that I am. ❤️

-Giusi .xoxo.

A New Moon in Sagittarius & Alchemy: A Story of My Personal Death

Today is the new moon in Sagittarius and the 12.12 portal. None of that may mean anything at all to you if you’re not someone who is into mystical things and spirituality but to some of us, it means a bit of something.

This new moon can have a lot of themes surrounding questioning your own past beliefs and paths and also, a lot of confusion surrounding where the path leads next… but emphasis on the really heavy death and rebirth cycle that is occurring here. For Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces, you may be feeing the intensity of this far more than others. You can read more in detail about this New Moon here on the Moon Omens page.

Being a Virgo sun, rising and Pisces moon has me feeling this at such a tremendous depth where it feels like I am so uncertain of everything; It seems as if I have reached an impasse.

I feel as if my life has been a series of moments that have lead me towards new discoveries of my Self. I have traversed some pretty hard terrain and although there may have been many ups and blessings in life that I have truly been grateful for, I feel as if I would be remiss not to mention the degree of difficulty I have had to endure as well.. which certainly seems to be significantly higher than the blessings.

No matter how hard things have been and how much I have suffered, I have always seemed to find a way of “carrying on”. I would cry and then move on with my plans or find other plans. Even though the dreams I dreamed all fell apart and never materialized before me, I still seemed to have this knack for recalibrating and putting my efforts into something else and continuing to trudge along my journey, keeping my chin up. I had this extraordinary little thing called “Hope” within me, that always seemed to allow me to repair my heart and spirit and bring back to a place of continuance.

However, I regret to inform you that the little spark of “Hope” within me, seems to have been extinguished.

I do not know when and where that changed but maybe it wasn’t one thing that did it. Maybe it was a cumulation of all the things that I have endured. Maybe it was a place I needed to arrive to. A place where I can allow myself to give up and stop. To stop carrying on. To fall apart. To be in a state of complete resignation. Maybe in order for me to truly “rebirth”, a death needs to occur. A death of who I was and how I thought things ought to be.

So, where do we go from here?

We’re so used to having things all neatly assigned into compartments, plans, schedules in different flavours of Goals and Dreams.

But my cup hath runneth dry.

And I think that what I need to do here is to sit in that.

Allow my cup to be dry.

Allow myself to surrender into the unknown.

Maybe the goal isn’t to be diligently plotting my next course of action.

Maybe the goal is to just exist in this nothingness that I appear to be floating in at the moment.

Maybe the goal is to have no answers and to sit in this discomfort of the unforeseen and the unimaginable.

And I think out of all of the hardships that I have endured, this suddenly feels like the hardest.

When you have something bad happen to you.. it is still something. You can work with this and deal with the pain and grief that comes with it. It’s malleable even in its intangible ways.

This, however, isn’t malleable. It’s not something I can hold onto like my grief and pain from loss and other things that I have experienced in the past.

It feels like a whole handful of nothing, with some fruitful hints of confusion, detachment, uncertainty and generous dash of zero care.

But our societal programming doesn’t allow for these moments. We seem to have labelled them quite negatively. Vagrants, bums, wanderers, useless and worthless. There is a lot of shame we have packed into this space of nothingness. In fact, we are taught to avoid this space at all costs! We are programmed to continue to placate this part of us for as long as is necessary. We are conditioned to bypass, numb, divert, redirect this tremendous space of dying we feel within. Which is why being here can feel SO very difficult and uncomfortable. It is no wonder that we will often try to numb it out when we reach this place, with drugs, alcohol, more work and performance, sex and meaningless relations and the hoarding of the things that we do not need or truly want.

But here is the truth: it is IN this space where the true Alchemy occurs.

There is a shedding of the old.. sometimes, quite literally. There is a process of removal. There is a transmutation and there is a death that all simultaneously occur in this liminal space.

And it is a place that is VERY necessary for us to sit in. Because we cannot have a true rebirth if we haven’t died. It isn’t about the change really. It’s about the expiration of what no longer serves us, in order to support & facilitate the creation of what is to come. In order for us to do that, we have to completely be rid of the ideas and beliefs that we had surrounding many things from our past. And as difficult, crappy, lonely and uncomfortable of a feeling and experience this may be.. it is a very unavoidable and compulsory component of stepping into our Being.

The alchemy in this space is the most powerful and even though you may not be in a space to see this yet, know that you will be.

I’m getting tired even for a phoenix
Always risin’ from the ashes
Mendin’ all her gashes

– Taylor Swift

So, as we step into this new moon, I think we can confidently say that there is paramount shift that is occurring within me and I believe, for many of us in the collective who sit at this specific frequency. And if this is you as well, know that you are not alone.

And I cannot tell you how things will end or when they will end. But I can tell you that you do not have to figure anything out at all and that you’re only responsibility in this present moment is to just be. Breathe. Don’t worry about hope or plans or what’s to come. Don’t worry about the future. Don’t worry about anything. Breathe and tend to your basic needs. Sleep. Sleep a lot. Hydrate. Eat. Exist.

Eventually, as all things do, this cycle will also be complete.

But until then, I will freely be in my “Hopelessly Hopeless Era”.

You are most welcome to join me.

Much love,
Giusi .xoxo.

There is a Light that Never Goes Out

I get these daily affirmations from Moon Omens sent to my email every day and this was the one for yesterday. And I’m glad that I read it today instead of yesterday. Because I can appreciate the words of it so much more after my day that I experienced yesterday.

I have been crossing a lot of unknown and difficult terrains in the last little while and as we reach the final stretch of this 2023 year, I can honestly say that this beautiful little affirmation is more true now than it has ever been before.

There was a very apparent shift in things yesterday. And it had everything to do with how I decided to move; How I decided to choose.

And it was my actions, despite how I have been feeling and struggling immensely, that were doing just that. They were slowly guiding me to the other side.

It’s easy for us to despair when we sit in these pockets of grief and hardships but I think that one of the things that changes our outcome tremendously is how we view such situations.

In the past, I would sit in judgement of myself and I would shower myself with an onslaught of “not good enough” and various other statements in a very self flagellating & deprecating way. I think a lot of us do this.

But there is something to know here:

It is learned behavior when we don’t feel good enough and our “failures” end up amplifying those feelings of unworthiness within our subconscious when these moments occur, which send us spiraling into a hole of shame and despair.

But there is something else you should know:

Everything shifts the moment we heal those parts of ourselves and no longer judge and shame ourselves.. and begin to sit in a place of love, compassion, empathy, kindness & acceptance towards ourselves. We soften and soothe our own wounds. And suddenly, our failures are not failures anymore. They’re minor setbacks or redirections.

It doesn’t mean that we no longer experience the grief and pain of when things don’t work out or when we experience loss. It doesn’t mean that we don’t falter during moments of uncertainty and fog.

But what it does mean is that we no longer assign the labels of “unworthiness” to ourselves when these things do occur.

We have reached a place where we can see our light.

And where we can finally allow it to guide us towards the other side.


A Tribe of Weirdos.

I’m sure that I’ve watched this movie a hundred times by now. But as I’m sitting here today sipping my coffee, I started looking back at things in my life and how the school experience was for me. And suddenly, I was reminded of this particular scene and speech from ‘Never Been Kissed’.

I was a loner growing up. Mostly because I didn’t talk.. I was shy, quiet, awkward, the smartest kid in class and I could not relate to the other kids and wasn’t interested in the things they were doing. So, plainly put.. I actually preferred to be on my own. That world felt safer and made more sense. I didn’t understand others. I would lose myself in books or solo-play. I would read ahead our homework for FUN. 😒 I never tried to hang out with the “popular” kids because I didn’t want to. Nothing they did was interesting to me. I thought it was boring and dumb. My mom joked about how if I was grounded, I would have to go outside and play because I was always inside playing by myself. (I can’t say that much has changed there.. hehe)

So, I spent my time alone. Nobody really tried to talk to me or befriend me. Except for the other shy, nerdy & awkward kids. And even then, I don’t think I truly ever felt comfortable being myself as I never met friends in school who were like “me”. I had one good friend for a short time that I bonded with as we went to the Gifted Program together, and the small yellow school bus would pick us up Tuesday mornings and take us to another school and we would talk on the bus rides. But then she moved away and we never spoke again. I always think about her and wonder how she is doing.

But I will never forget how it was the other weird and dorky kids who befriended me and how they never expected me to be someone else. They enjoyed my company. And even now as an adult.. those will always be the people that I feel most welcomed by.

They don’t think I’m weird. Or maybe they do, but they love that about me. They are the gentle ones and kind hearted ones. The dreamers and sensitive souls. They are the ones who see me and let me BE me.

And much like movie Josie in this scene, I think I feel fiercely protective of those kids today… and even the grown up ones. And always will. We’re cut from the same quirky & fantastical cloth.
A cloth that has been so completely misunderstood and confusing to me for my entire life.. and that I am only just now figuring out for the first time.. about its differences and yet incredibleness.

And although my fabric might be a fabric that other people may never quite comprehend, accept or truly see.. I still wouldn’t have it any other way. ❤

Much love,
Josie Grossie. ❤

We Can Leave the Cave: A Message About the Collective Struggle

One of my past roles was one of a labour activist and I sat as the Vice President on my union’s executive board for years. I fought for people’s rights and was very vocal about it. However, in time I would begin to realize that it was mostly done in vain.

It’s not that we didn’t make small changes for people.. but having worked at the same company for nearly 29 years, I began to see that the changes were minute and that in actuality, things have been significantly diminished over the years as they continuously chiseled away at any of the things that gave us some semblance of security.

The reality is that the idea of unions and other organizations that “help” is grande and wonderful.. However, you have to understand that these things exist within the very colonial and patriarchal structures that do nothing for the advantage and welfare of “the people”. Essentially, captors would never give people the means to proverbially (and literally) free themselves. They would merely give them the illusion of so by granting small details that appear to be helpful, while dangling an illusory and holographic carrot before our eyes.

The truth is that a people under a constant state of struggle and duress, is a people who is burnt out, disconnected and detached; A people who can’t afford groceries or shelter, whilst having the cops raid tent encampments of those who have to go without, is a people who are on edge, depressed and disassociated; A people who are preoccupied with war and famine and violence, is a people who are greatly divided and removed and harbouring hate, doubt and contempt; A people who are constantly on this wheel of uncertainty and upheaval with no hope or promise of something better, is a people who are severely disempowered, disenchanted and despondent.

Thus making it effortless for the ones in power to continue to lobby for infrastructures and laws that only seem to benefit them whilst they continue to hoard more and more wealth off the backs of a people that can barely get by.

The rise of mental health issues isn’t something new. It’s just something that has become so obvious in the last few years. Even myself, as a “frontline worker” was praised for being “A HERO” during difficult times.. but yet, we weren’t allowed a voice when we wanted to speak.. and we certainly were not even allowed ONE paid sick day. Don’t ever let them fool you that they care about our health and well being as long as they continue to build and support the structures that MAKE US SICK. This is the biggest lie that they have fed us.

This isn’t a time to riot. Yes, we can be angry. But we can use that anger to channel it into something bigger. Like, connection and community. Our power lays in our connection and it is the highest currency that exists which is why great measures have always been put in place to divide and disconnect us from not only one another, but from ourselves.

I am always reminded of Plato’s the Allegory of the Cave when I talk about these things because we are existing in a modern day version of this and it’s so masterfully crafted with precision to give people the illusion that they are not enslaved in the cave. But we are. And only some people are aware of it. But maybe that is beginning to change. And maybe the time has finally come to leave the cave.

We cannot fix a system that was never built for us to thrive.. but we can begin to create a new one. As we begin to awaken and become aware of things.. we can begin connecting with ourselves and coming back into our bodies. We can begin to regulate our nervous systems. We can begin to reclaim ourselves. We can begin to build community and connection. And it might seem like some pipe dream.. but it’s more of a reality than we realize.

But the important part is that we begin.
